Lollipop chainsaw for pc
Lollipop chainsaw for pc

lollipop chainsaw for pc lollipop chainsaw for pc

The next action that each enemy will take is displayed above them, so it is important to choose the right cards in each situation, like guarding to protect yourself against an incoming attack. Cards selected from the player’s hand produce different effects, such as attacking and guarding. Their goal is to reach the so-called paradise that awaits at the bottom.īattles against the bizarre inhabitants of the tower are performed through the use of cards. Atop this tower live 20 children, but life there is harsh, and in order to survive, the children decide to embark on a journey down the tower. The game takes place in a tower that lies at the very end of the world. It also has some boss battles that mix things up to.The Tower -To the Bottom- is a deck building survival adventure game. You can unlock combos as you go and sometimes the game does force you to mix things up a bit as you try and take down hordes of zombies. She has some fun moves that she can do and these awesome finishing moves. It is a 3rd person hack and slash game where you kick a ton of ass as Juliet.

lollipop chainsaw for pc

Some people find it very repetitive and even a tad rough around the edges, but I just find it a ton of fun. The music is awesome and even though you will hear, Hey Mickey a million times by the end of the game, it never actually gets old. Tara Strong is one of my favorite voice actors and she brings Juliet to life very well. The soundtrack and voice acting are just as good. It sounds like it would be a real clash of styles, but it works very well and makes for a very unique kind of look for a game. However, this is offset by the bright sparks, cheerleading, and flashes of color and glitter that happens. The game is gross, full of blood and guts and violence. The visuals of Lollipop Chainsaw are great and hold up very well to this day. who got bitten trying to protect her and Juliet saves him by chopping off his head and using magic to keep him alive! The story is a ton of fun and full of very memorable moments. Juliet is joined on her adventure by her boyfriend Nick. Lollipop Chainsaw is a story that is crazy and funny and pretty vulgar too. Thankfully, Juliet is part of a family of zombie hunters so she is taking on the task of stopping this. This zombie outbreak is the work of a dark individual who is trying to merge different realms.

Lollipop chainsaw for pc